Are you into beads, arts and crafts? If so, you have chosen to read the perfect article! Because we will be giving you a good stock of tips and guidelines that will help you enjoy bead-making even more. In short, we will introduce you to a fun and easy way of getting into beads arts and crafts. We will also give you reasons to keep your stress in check, especially concerning this favorable activity!
Tip #1: Spilling beads is a common problem for the fans of this craft. To avoid that kind of disturbance, make sure that you have a special work surface set up. One with low tips so you prevent the beads from spilling onto the floor is a good choice.
Tip #2: If you are after quality, always make use of jeweler's glues. Super glues or any other kind besides those just don't do the work.
Tip #3: Invest on your tools. To be able to have a wonderful time with your beads arts and crafts, you need to have the right materials. Metal nail files for snapping sharp wire ends, a bead spinner that will make stringing seed beads an easier task, durable needles for your sewing, and high quality threads are good items to start.
Tip #4: Always have allowances in your thread to avoid tangles. A four-feet thread to be used on a bead necklace should do the trick.
Tip #5: Always buy a few extra beads more than you think you need for a specific project. It is so much hassle to lack one and need to wait for a period of time for your order when you are already almost at the finish line.
Tip #6: To make your threads even stronger, dip it in beeswax. That should give it extra strength.
Tip #7: Never work in dark light. It will stress your eyes so much. More importantly, there is a good chance that you will make a mistake in stringing beads, especially in terms of consistency.
Tip #8: If you made a mistake using a mismatched color thread, correct the problem with a permanent marker. There is really no need to do your project all over again.
Tip #9: if you are using silver or gold for your bead accessories, make sure that you know how to buy a quality one. If the asking price seems to be too cheap, the quality might be that, too.
Tip #10: Find a reliable supplier for your beads arts and crafts hobby and stick to it. It is difficult enough to find a beads supplier you can trust. Do not let yourself go through that process over and over by jumping from one supplier to another.
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