Sabtu, 23 September 2017

Beads - Arts and Crafts - 10 Tips to Make Beading an Enjoyable Hobby

Are you into beads, arts and crafts? If so, you have chosen to read the perfect article! Because we will be giving you a good stock of tips and guidelines that will help you enjoy bead-making even more. In short, we will introduce you to a fun and easy way of getting into beads arts and crafts. We will also give you reasons to keep your stress in check, especially concerning this favorable activity!

Tip #1: Spilling beads is a common problem for the fans of this craft. To avoid that kind of disturbance, make sure that you have a special work surface set up. One with low tips so you prevent the beads from spilling onto the floor is a good choice.

Tip #2: If you are after quality, always make use of jeweler's glues. Super glues or any other kind besides those just don't do the work.

Tip #3: Invest on your tools. To be able to have a wonderful time with your beads arts and crafts, you need to have the right materials. Metal nail files for snapping sharp wire ends, a bead spinner that will make stringing seed beads an easier task, durable needles for your sewing, and high quality threads are good items to start.

Tip #4: Always have allowances in your thread to avoid tangles. A four-feet thread to be used on a bead necklace should do the trick.

Tip #5: Always buy a few extra beads more than you think you need for a specific project. It is so much hassle to lack one and need to wait for a period of time for your order when you are already almost at the finish line.

Tip #6: To make your threads even stronger, dip it in beeswax. That should give it extra strength.

Tip #7: Never work in dark light. It will stress your eyes so much. More importantly, there is a good chance that you will make a mistake in stringing beads, especially in terms of consistency.

Tip #8: If you made a mistake using a mismatched color thread, correct the problem with a permanent marker. There is really no need to do your project all over again.

Tip #9: if you are using silver or gold for your bead accessories, make sure that you know how to buy a quality one. If the asking price seems to be too cheap, the quality might be that, too.

Tip #10: Find a reliable supplier for your beads arts and crafts hobby and stick to it. It is difficult enough to find a beads supplier you can trust. Do not let yourself go through that process over and over by jumping from one supplier to another.

Senin, 11 September 2017

Making Money From Crafts - Art And Craft Business

Are you one of those lucky people who is good with their hands and looking to earn an extra income? Then why not utilise your hobby and start making money from crafts?

Craft fairs are hugely popular throughout the UK and other parts of the world as people are looking for different types of gifts for loved ones rather than standard shop bought goods. Artisans are making money every weekend, some enough to leave their jobs, or make a decent second income, and you can make money too.

To test the market and see if people are interested in your craft ideas, why not show your items to friends, family and work colleagues? You may even get some sales this way! You could consider joining an online forum specialising in crafts where you can post a picture of your items and gain feedback from experienced crafters.

If you have received positive feedback from people who love your craft ideas, why not check your local paper or shop noticeboard for the next craft fair in you area? Ring up and book a table and sell your wares. At the very least you will have an enjoyable day out where you can meet like-minded craft people. However, if your items are interesting and well-made you may sell one or sell-out! Items I have seen at recent craft fairs include: hand knitted scarves, home-made candles, shell frames, hand-made cards and scrapbooks, soaps, shelves made from old railway sleepers, even items made from old tins! I purchased a lizard made from old wire! The list of arts and crafts is indeed endless.

If you are unsure what hobby interests you but want to start a craft business, a simple internet search for videos will bring back lots of ideas on everything from how to make a cushion cover to how to knit a bag or how to make new jewellery from old beads and broken pieces. You can also buy basic kits from hobby and craft shops or online if you prefer to start from scratch.

To promote your craft, you do not need to spend a lot of money. You can set up a simple one page site or blog with a description of your products and a contact email address and a few pictures of your items. Free business cards are available at the few clicks of a mouse (you usually pay for postage) to give to people you meet or you could put a simple postcard/leaflet in your local shop window.

Talking to stallholders at craft fairs, some very nice cash profits were being made. Obviously this is dependent on the quality of your items and your marketing efforts, but if you love arts and craft consider earning money from your passion!

Good luck!